About Artyom
Artyom Leydiker has been interested in technology for as long as he can remember. Now more than ever, technology has become a domineering force — both in our individual everyday lives and in global shifts toward change and progress in business, entertainment, education, and much more. Artyom created this blog to share some of the news and trends in technology that inspire him, including but not limited to virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and the rise of blockchain. Check out his blog page for all content, or get started with a few posts below!

5 Ways That Artificial Intelligence Will Improve Healthcare
Experts that study technology and the healthcare industry are seeing the early signs of a massive revolution. This revolution is the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) into the healthcare sector. While the technology currently driving AI is still in its infancy, it is making huge leaps and strides every year. AI is already being used to create healthcare products, however, it is thought that it will totally control the entire industry in just a few decades.
Hospitals and clinics around the world share a common problem. This problem is understaffing. It is typically caused by budget shortages or a shortage of properly trained professionals. AI-driven applications could easily solve this issue by independently undertaking radiology tasks, diagnosing patients through computer systems, and providing accurate digital consultations. Less healthcare staff shortages are a direct path to better medical care for everyone.
Reducing Antibiotic Resistance
One of the major problems facing the healthcare industry today is increased antibiotic resistance for certain diseases. More than a biological problem, this is a data processing problem. The limitations on current computer processing power and human intelligence inhibit new antibiotics from being created. AI-driven supercomputers could process unfathomable amounts to crack the code on new antibiotic variations that diseases are not resistance to.
Improved Immunotherapy For Cancer
For anyone unfamiliar with immunotherapy, is the process of using the body’s immune system to fight off certain types of cancer. AI could greatly help in improving immunotherapy treatments by conducting highly complex DNA analysis on patients and producing an exact match immunotherapy treatment that is perfectly suited for the individual patient’s genetic makeup.
Wearable AI
In less than a decade most healthcare patients will have wearable monitoring devices driven by AI diagnostic systems. This AI will not only be able to monitor vitals and diagnose health problems, but it will also be able to make lifestyle, dietary, and general health based suggestions.
Improved Clinical Decision Making
In the future, a board of doctors, surgeons, and other healthcare professionals will no longer sit around a table in order to come to a decision on a pressing matter. Instead, AI-powered by supercomputers will propose cutting edge solutions on its own, some of which could be unique treatments never used before. Committees and healthcare boards will then be charged with approving AI proposals, rather than coming up with solutions themselves.

The Future of Energy
There are raving debates that go on in between scientists, politicians, and the public about what the future of energy is or what it should be. People all have different ideas about how energy should be collected, stored, and used. Whatever the stance is on energy, there is no denying that there have been massive shifts in how countries are collecting their energy. This article will focus on some of those changes in collecting energy that are renewable energy sources.
Wind Power
In recent news there has been a lot of talk of many places putting up enormous wind turbines to collect energy from the wind. Wind power is a renewable energy resource and today is used to power some businesses in different parts of the world. Although this type of renewable energy resource is not the best alternative to traditional fossil fuels, the technology for the turbines are constantly developing. The wind turbines are being developed and tweaked to better serve the purpose of capturing the wind for energy and countries could see more and more wind farms popping up sooner rather than later.
Solar Energy
At first, solar energy was not a popular option among businesses or individuals in residential areas. The cost of installing solar panels was very high a few years ago but prices have dropped significantly since then, making it a more feasible option for all people. This no pollution alternative to fossil fuels could dramatically decrease your own carbon footprint and eventually will pay for itself from the savings you will earn from the panels. In recent years, solar energy has become one of the most popular methods of renewable energy and similarly to wind power, the technology is becoming more efficient as time goes on.
Similar to wind power, hydroelectricity is gathering energy through a turbine that is under water. A hydroelectric turbine gathers energy from moving water. Installing a turbine for this purpose could change the landscape of the surrounding area. The turbines can be massive, leading the water levels nearby to fluctuate in turn. There is one massive turbine in the Hoover Dam and plans to utilize this technology are being made even today as a good alternative energy resource.
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