Apple’s first foray into the smartwatch market with the Apple Watch was largely seen at the time as a stumble. Today we can see it more accurately for what it was: a proof of concept. The tech behind wearables is more sophisticated and affordable than ever...
You may think of increasing productivity as finding ways to do more in a shorter amount of time. While that is certainly one aspect of productivity, it can also be a matter of doing less while still accomplishing the same outcomes. Increasing productivity is also a...
Installing smart gadgets into a home make the environment more convenient and safer. Some devices are created to enhance the home front or to save money. There are numerous smart home devices on the market today. NetGear Arlo Q Home security systems have grown in...
Technology is quickly changing each year. It’s important for a person to stay abreast of these changes as it will affect both their personal life and their business life. Here are five emerging technologies that are on the radar for 2019: Blockchain With the...
Almost fifty years after the United States won the first space race by landing on the moon, a new space race has begun in earnest. Over the last few years, the United States has launched a new space race by encouraging the private sector to design and innovate the...