Apple’s first foray into the smartwatch market with the Apple Watch was largely seen at the time as a stumble. Today we can see it more accurately for what it was: a proof of concept. The tech behind wearables is more sophisticated and affordable than ever...
Installing smart gadgets into a home make the environment more convenient and safer. Some devices are created to enhance the home front or to save money. There are numerous smart home devices on the market today. NetGear Arlo Q Home security systems have grown in...
Wearable technology is going through a bit of a boom right now. From health monitors to smart watches, it seems like almost everyone has access to it in one form or another. Unlike many new technologies, many experts agree that wearable tech is here to stay. Most new...
Artificial intelligence is affecting all aspects of the workforce. Healthcare is one area that the advancements in AI will have a significant impact on. Some routine procedures in healthcare are already completed using AI technologies. This article will talk about...